Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
Welcome to our forums!
Firstly, we would like to stress that this is not a phishing website, your details are secured and on all pages that require log-in details we always state not to use your RuneScape details! We are not affiliated with Jagex and nor can we guarantee the security of any data on this domain, all you are about to see was coded by a hobbyist!
Whilst we are using the RuneScape name and graphics we respect Jagex's rights and will co-operate with any queries Jagex has with the running of this website including the full closure if demanded.
On 12th January 2024, it was publicly announced that on January 25th the RuneScape forums would be closed and on March 28th they would be removed from public view. That is why I have decided to publish my version of the RuneScape forums as they were back in 2011 today on Saturday 24th February 2024. I hope this brings you some joy and nostalgia.
Most importantly - Enjoy! <3 - And remember not to use your actual RuneScape details please, use dummy details only here!
I have read the above
Firstly, we would like to stress that this is not a phishing website, your details are secured and on all pages that require log-in details we always state not to use your RuneScape details! We are not affiliated with Jagex and nor can we guarantee the security of any data on this domain, all you are about to see was coded by a hobbyist!
Whilst we are using the RuneScape name and graphics we respect Jagex's rights and will co-operate with any queries Jagex has with the running of this website including the full closure if demanded.
On 12th January 2024, it was publicly announced that on January 25th the RuneScape forums would be closed and on March 28th they would be removed from public view. That is why I have decided to publish my version of the RuneScape forums as they were back in 2011 today on Saturday 24th February 2024. I hope this brings you some joy and nostalgia.
Most importantly - Enjoy! <3 - And remember not to use your actual RuneScape details please, use dummy details only here!
I have read the above